We are a small group of patients spanning a range of ages who have been invited to work on your behalf to ensure improved communication between you the patients and the Practice.
The Practice Doctors are always seeking to improve the services they offer and their contact with patients, but an increasing demand on their time makes this a difficult job.

Formed in May 2010, the Patient Participation Group is a platform for your questions and suggestions. We will pass your ideas on and ensure the patients’ collective voice contributes to the continuous improvement of services at the surgery. We are also here to provide practical support to the surgery and help implement change where we can. The PPG meets each month
Members of the group are:
Judith Fenton (Chair): Ian Cartwright (Deputy Chair):
Anita Booth: Sylvia Fisher: Dave Moore: Trish Smith: Margaret Andrews: Gill Leather: Jamie Harrison: Jenny Finn: Maggie Chivers: Vicky Kaye
Look out for our notice board in the patients’ waiting room which will give the latest PPG news plus a copy of our minutes. Minutes can also be accessed via the Minutes tab above.
A comments box is available in the reception area – look out for the big red lips! We look forward to hearing from you. Please make use of this facility which will enable us to work on your behalf.
Please be assured that all matters will be treated as confidential.
Thank you